I attended this school who isn't accredited school and promise assist with job search upon graduation, the jobs I applied for in the area of expertise will not accept my certificate because the school is not accredited. The school has discontinued their Medical Assistant program in which I enrolled as will as all other programs (dental, medical billing & coding, massage therapy except for business administration) and the also changed their name to UEI. Now I'm force to pay a student loan back from a school who breached their contract. I live in Jacksonville Florida and attend the school in 2009 , yes I would love to help file a case action against the school and all I'm asking in return is student loan forgiveness and have it removed from my credit.
I attended this school who isn't accredited school and promise assist with job search upon graduation, the jobs I applied for in the area of expertise will not accept my certificate because the school is not accredited. The school has discontinued their Medical Assistant program in which I enrolled as will as all other programs (dental, medical billing & coding, massage therapy except for business administration) and the also changed their name to UEI. Now I'm force to pay a student loan back from a school who breached their contract. I live in Jacksonville Florida and attend the school in 2009 , yes I would love to help file a case action against the school and all I'm asking in return is student loan forgiveness and have it removed from my credit.