I had my roof done by them last year, they were supposed to star in february didn't start until the end of may! then we had some licks , it took them weeks to sent someone, then they said it wasn't under the warranty came out whit some excuse, now my roof is licking again and i have been calling since the end of march and nobody has return our calls, i would never recommended this place to anyone and im actually see if i can find legal help to fix this.
I had my roof done by them last year, they were supposed to star in february didn't start until the end of may! then we had some licks , it took them weeks to sent someone, then they said it wasn't under the warranty came out whit some excuse, now my roof is licking again and i have been calling since the end of march and nobody has return our calls, i would never recommended this place to anyone and im actually see if i can find legal help to fix this.