Very poor customer service. Recently purchased a battery powered car for our grandson's birthday. When we gave it to him, the battery would not hold a charge. He was unable to use the car and was extremely disappointed, to say the least. Despite multiple calls to the store management, we were largely ignored. No attempt was made to resolve the problem or offer any type of store credit. We previously shopped there for our grandchildren numerous times, but no more!! Furthermore, our daughter and friends have been made aware of our negative experience.
Very poor customer service. Recently purchased a battery powered car for our grandson's birthday. When we gave it to him, the battery would not hold a charge. He was unable to use the car and was extremely disappointed, to say the least. Despite multiple calls to the store management, we were largely ignored. No attempt was made to resolve the problem or offer any type of store credit. We previously shopped there for our grandchildren numerous times, but no more!! Furthermore, our daughter and friends have been made aware of our negative experience.