I took a high chair, the least dirt of a bunch of high chairs all nasty with grease and dry food, in the corner near to the cashier, for accommodating my tootler. Before to pay my check I told the manager about that, and he said that they will take care, that's is ease to fix. Ease to fix really? So guys, clean the high chairs inmideate, those chairs look like nobody care for a long long time. This is focus of bacteria and other health problems for our kids even adults. Take it seriously!
I took a high chair, the least dirt of a bunch of high chairs all nasty with grease and dry food, in the corner near to the cashier, for accommodating my tootler. Before to pay my check I told the manager about that, and he said that they will take care, that's is ease to fix. Ease to fix really? So guys, clean the high chairs inmideate, those chairs look like nobody care for a long long time. This is focus of bacteria and other health problems for our kids even adults. Take it seriously!