The 2010 Prius I got from him over a year ago is still running great, so I am really happy about that. I have only ever bought used cars from Craigslist or ads before, never from dealers. I thought dealers would be a waste of money, but its just not true. We got a real bargain on a fantastic car, and a good rate through a bank he hooked us up with. I ESPECIALLY recommend Don Close for students---its hard to know where to go when you are in a town away from parents, and he is your guy.
The 2010 Prius I got from him over a year ago is still running great, so I am really happy about that. I have only ever bought used cars from Craigslist or ads before, never from dealers. I thought dealers would be a waste of money, but its just not true. We got a real bargain on a fantastic car, and a good rate through a bank he hooked us up with. I ESPECIALLY recommend Don Close for students---its hard to know where to go when you are in a town away from parents, and he is your guy.