Fisher Island Day School
Two, Fisher Island Drive, Miami Beach
Phone: +1 305-531-2350
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Education Establishment
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My child attended FIDS from Pre Learning (2.5 years of age ) till Junior -K (3 years) All I can say about the school is that the president that runs the day to day decisions should not be allowed to run a school. Important matters are not handled appropriately or directly ignored, if the Board President doesn't consider you or your child important to her. Most importantly, if your donations are not big enough according to her standards, forget it.... Mind you there are only 80 students at the school , which runs from pre-learning (2 year olds) and now they just added 6th grade, just in case your child doesn't make it into the academic middle school of your choice, because FIDS didn't prepare him/her enough and you are left with out a better alternative in this important transition stage. If you want to pay a $30,000 plus , plus, plus annual tuition and be pestered for donations that would be better spent for worthy charities than FIDS is a good choice for you. FIDS is a money pit where human values are shallow and you are "someone" by being the biggest bidder at the school galas, and I could go on and on, but I think I made my point