Boring, once yu see 1 big home so what! The narrative was very poor. There could have been much more in the presentation, like the details of the ship, the amount if fuel it takes to travel around on this little trip, the details of each canal we passed, the small areas, history of this area. Who inhabited before 1960! What types of birds, fish , animals live in this area, what is the matting season for manatee. What are the mangroves? Who cares about the fact that the tear downs will sell for million's,, who lives in these millions!! Beside the founding families..
Boring, once yu see 1 big home so what! The narrative was very poor. There could have been much more in the presentation, like the details of the ship, the amount if fuel it takes to travel around on this little trip, the details of each canal we passed, the small areas, history of this area. Who inhabited before 1960! What types of birds, fish , animals live in this area, what is the matting season for manatee. What are the mangroves? Who cares about the fact that the tear downs will sell for million's,, who lives in these millions!! Beside the founding families..