I waited almost a month in a half for an appointment, finally went in and saw the doctor and she was great and set a plan for my future. All was smooth up until they just left me in the dark about what was going on with me. Hurricane Irma didn't help, but its been about a month in a half and the representatives have been misinforming about questions that I have, what the next step is, and even getting my prescriptions sent over to my pharmacy. I've called, left voicemail's etc. and nothing. I'm not expecting to be babysat, but guidance from a highly recommended OBGYN practice, in being able to try to have a future family is a subject I take very seriously and expect a lot.
I waited almost a month in a half for an appointment, finally went in and saw the doctor and she was great and set a plan for my future. All was smooth up until they just left me in the dark about what was going on with me. Hurricane Irma didn't help, but its been about a month in a half and the representatives have been misinforming about questions that I have, what the next step is, and even getting my prescriptions sent over to my pharmacy. I've called, left voicemail's etc. and nothing. I'm not expecting to be babysat, but guidance from a highly recommended OBGYN practice, in being able to try to have a future family is a subject I take very seriously and expect a lot.