March 15th - Corporate Tax Deadline - been up since 2AM - super busy - had my heart set on a sandwich with creamy tomato soup - left my office downtown to drive to you - place my order, a little over $15 - get back to my office and pulled creamy broccoli soup out of the bag.... perhaps your employees need a class in paying attention!!!! this is beyond aggravating today..... It would seem, after reading other reviews that this is not an isolate incident
March 15th - Corporate Tax Deadline - been up since 2AM - super busy - had my heart set on a sandwich with creamy tomato soup - left my office downtown to drive to you - place my order, a little over $15 - get back to my office and pulled creamy broccoli soup out of the bag.... perhaps your employees need a class in paying attention!!!! this is beyond aggravating today..... It would seem, after reading other reviews that this is not an isolate incident