They burned a cheese danish. A Freaking Cheese Danish. I mean seriously how freaking stupid do you have to be first to burn a danish and secondly to actually give it to acustomer burned. It ain't rocket science. If you burn it, cook another danish with lower time or lower heat. I mean c'mon it's a freaking danish.... why are you cooking it in the first place. You burned the cheese on the danish... it ain't like it was a real mystery.
They burned a cheese danish. A Freaking Cheese Danish. I mean seriously how freaking stupid do you have to be first to burn a danish and secondly to actually give it to acustomer burned. It ain't rocket science. If you burn it, cook another danish with lower time or lower heat. I mean c'mon it's a freaking danish.... why are you cooking it in the first place. You burned the cheese on the danish... it ain't like it was a real mystery.